Free Joomla Templates

The Joomla community magazine has many writers from all over the U.S. and around the world that contribute to the magazine each month. The writers are all members of the Joomla community which is made up of volunteers. There are many volunteers that contribute to the magazine and do more than just write. Some volunteers design and develop the magazine, moderate it and help with administration among many other things.

Others who are not part of the Joomla magazine can contribute stories each month also. Topics for stories range and offer much more than advice on free Joomla templates. Some share personal stories and others offer insights. Members are encouraged to participate in the magazine by submitting articles on various topics. Members can also submit ideas for future articles.

Each article allows members to interact with one another and the author. Members can leave comments and follow links to participate further. Submitting an article is easy and anyone who needs a little help in doing so can click on the Author Resources link to receive the help they need.

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